How do I print a sequence number on checks when using Digital Check scanners?

Started by ForumAdmin, March 26, 2008, 02:25:14 PM

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Update:  The TransportReadyToSetEndorsement is the preferred approach to endorsing.  Implementing application behavior that is customized based on make, mode etc is no longer recommended.  Please refer to the TransportReadyToSetEndorsement section in the Ranger API guide for more information.

There are two methods to endorse sequence numbers on checks scanned with Digital Check scanners. The method used depends on the scanner model.

Method 1 (for all Digital Check scanners except the TS-230 and TS-240)
Call Ranger's SetFixedEndorseText() method, with the text containing the first item's sequence number, *before* calling Ranger's StartFeeding() method. This sets the endorsement text for the first item to feed into the track.
Then, in each item's NewItem event handler call Ranger's SetFixedEndorseText() method with the text containing the sequence number for the next item.
Note that on batch scan (i.e., hi speed prefeed mode) capable Digital Check scanners like the TS-230 and TS-240, Method 1 can be used when feeding one item at a time and/or when the scanner is not configured for batch scan mode; i.e., driver option UseBatchScan=false.

Method 2 (for TS-230 and TS-240 scanners in batch scan mode)
When the scanner is configured for batch scan mode, i.e. driver option UseBatchScan=true, and feed mode is continuous, call Ranger's SetFixedEndorseText() method with the endorsement text containing the character sequence "%d" where the item sequence number is to be located. The "%d" character sequence will be replaced with each item's sequence number. The item count will increment automatically and the appropriate sequence number will be endorsed on each item.
The starting and increment values for the sequence number are set in the driver options file using the BatchStart and BatchIncrement options, respectively.

To set the starting batch number to 500:
   Ranger.SetDriverOption("Endorsement", "BatchStart" , "500");

To set the increment value to 3:
   Ranger.SetDriverOption("Endorsement", "BatchIncrement" , "3");

To set the endorse text with embedded sequence number character sequence:
   Ranger.SetFixedEndorseText("Sequence number will be endorsed here ===>%d");

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
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